Window - Fasting Trackerのスクリーンショット

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「Window - Fasting Tracker」スペック・仕様

Cal Stephens
50.19 MB

Window - Fasting Trackerの順位推移表



App Storeより引用
Window is the perfect companion for your intermittent fasting journey! Track your daily eating window on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. Understand how your eating habits relate to your weight loss progress.

“Research shows that it takes about 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit. The Window tracking app is a fabulous tool to help new intermittent fasters get into the practice of opening and closing their eating windows until the time that a daily eating window becomes a lifestyle. Experienced intermittent fasters also love the Window app, because you can look for day-to-day patterns and tweak your plan as needed to live a flexible intermittent fasting lifestyle.”
- Gin Stephens, Author of ‘Delay, Don’t Deny’ and ‘Feast Without Fear’

Window has the most features of any Intermittent Fasting app available on the App Store:
- Track your eating window and your fast all in one app.
- Schedule your eating windows in advance.
- Get notified when your eating windows open and close.
- Track your weight over time and see a graph of your 7-day moving average. Works with Apple Health to sync data with other apps.
- Add notes to your windows to log your daily eating habits.
- Use Siri to open or close your eating window from any device (including iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod).
- Check on your eating window or fast from your Lock Screen, using the Window widget.

Window supports Apple Watch!
- Open your eating window from your wrist.
- Add the Window complication to your watch face so you can check on your eating window or fast with just a glance.
- Add notes to your eating window using voice dictation.

We fundamentally believe that you are the owner of your data. We keep your data safe, and don’t share it with anyone.

Happy tracking!



